The opening of the art exhibition "Aurore Ukrainienne" took place in Beziers (France

May 25, 2024, 3:29:18 PM

On May 23 in Beziers there was held the opening of the exhibition "Aurore Ukrainienne", dedicated to three Ukrainian artists, organized by the Society of Fine Arts.

The exhibition will last until June 8.

Aurore Ukrainienne

The exhibition features paintings by three Ukrainian painters, members of the Bezier Fine Arts Society - Vitaliy Savin, Tatyana Porubova, Tatyana De Tressan. 

украънська виставка

On the photo: Tatiana de Tressan, Vitaly Savin, Tatiana Porubova.

відкриття виставки

The opening of the exhibition was attended by Elisabeth Pissarro 1st Deputy Mayor of Beziers, responsible for culture, Joëlle Beaubien President of the Fine Arts Society, Michel Moulin 3rd Deputy Mayor, responsible for relations with associations, Stéphanie Trouvé, Director of the Beziers Museums, Madame Zenon Counselor of the Department.

The large number of people present and interest in the exhibition is due to Russia's military aggression in Ukraine. The record number of people present at the exhibition, thanks to the Ukrainian community.

The last words of the exhibition presentation:

"... We all hope that this dawn will soon be followed by a day filled with sunshine and light that can comfort these suffering people and help them recover.

Art brings people together. It allows them to share special moments, to communicate across ideological, linguistic or cultural barriers ... Let's take advantage of this ..."

 Безьє виставка

At the opening of the exhibition, famous Ukrainian folk songs were performed in the arrangement of Ukrainian Alisa Vasilisa, who performed several pieces of music on the harp.

 Аліса Василіса

For reference:

 Савін картини

Vitaliy Savin is a Ukrainian artist, born in 1972 in Kherson. In 1993 he graduated from the Odessa State Art School named after Grekov. Since 1988 he participated in regional and group art exhibitions in the cities of Kherson, Kiev and Odessa. In 1993 represented Ukraine at the world exhibition in Hungary and Austria. In 1994 he participated in the European exhibition in France, where he received a silver medal and was admitted to the club of the Union of European Artists. In 1995 his works were exhibited in Paris at the Center for Contemporary Art Pompiout Art, where he received the prize "Golden Palette". In 1996 he participated in the exhibition in Italy "Art Expo Milan" and was admitted to the Society of Contemporary Artists of Italy. In !998 he participated in the exhibition "Chenevier" in Paris. In 1999 the works of the artist were exhibited in the National Gallery "PEINTURE" in Sorbonne, France.

Vitaly Savin's works are exhibited in museums and galleries of Europe and decorate public and private interiors in different countries, in particular in Poland, Hungary, Croatia, Austria, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, France, Italy and USA.

In his work V. Savin uses classical painting techniques with a post-avant-garde and postmodern approach. His works are characterized by spontaneous expressiveness of color, creation of form and texture on the pictorial surface, appeal to the emotional and sensitive perception of color in the viewer.

 Тетяна Порубова

Tatyana Porubova is an artist of Ukrainian origin, who has been living in France for more than twenty years. She received her education as an art teacher in Ukraine in 1999. In 2016, after a creative break, she returned to painting. Tatiana Porubova explores various artistic techniques, including contemporary impressionism and abstraction. Three years ago, Tatiana began teaching courses in oil and acrylic painting. To this day, in various associations, Porubova shares her skills to improve her professionalism. In 2023, Porubova has been recognized in three regional exhibitions, highlighting her talent and commitment to the art community.

 Татяна Тресан

Tatiana De Tressan - A native of Ukraine (Sevastopol) and naturalized French, Tatiana De Tressan has lived in Beziers since 2013, where she was able to realize her taste for fine art in all its forms after studying drawing and professional practice in her country of origin.

Recently, Tatiana decided to take a decisive step and express her emotions as an artist by offering the public her own works, which can be dedicated to different subjects (landscapes, still lifes) and modes of expression (oil, watercolor, acrylic).

Photo from the exhibition

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    6/1/24, 12:43:10 AM

    Все дуже красиво! Дякую!

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